Saturday, February 25, 2006

Worship at Temple Danny

I often think of worship because I like music so much. Now, I think most people in the Christian community defines worship not just by music, but other activities that give glory to God. This a challenging idea because in some senses music can be a lazy form of worship. You show up, you listen, if you feel it you move, and if you don't you just kinda sit there. Although I do have a worshipful experience at my church, I am always looking for new ways to worship. One has been to incorporate "worshipful music" in my week, still kinda lazy though. Another is to read spiritually challenging or thoughtful material. Another has been to expeirence God with/through another person. This is really helpful for me because I tend to be a more relational person. My dad likes to joke about praying and laughs at the idea of asking God to "season our conversation." He does this because it seems to be an attempt to be diginfied. As funny as this may sound, I truly do feel this way. I do want God to "season my conversation" and the conversations I partake in to be encouraging, thought provoking, reflective, and energizing. I understand if every conversation will not be like this but Jesus did say "...on earth as it is in heaven." Besides these, I am still looking for new ways to worship God.

***Last night after praying for food we and some friends were about to eat, I prayed that God would bless our conversation. Right after this I proceeded to share that the Nahuatl (Aztec) name for the avocado, 'ahuacatl', also means testicle. By the way we were eating guacamole so I had context to share my fact.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger amberlee said...

Thats gross.


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