Every year I am surprised to see at what new ideas some companies come up with to "celebrate" the holidays. Usually it ends up being an onslaught of shopping and gorging of cosumables-which I am guilty of other wise there wouldn't have been reason for me to have lost 35 pounds. When I worked at Best Buy I truly understood what "Black Friday" or what is supposed to be the busiest shopping day of the year was like. When I rolled out of bed and made it to work I had saw a line that wrapped twice around one side of the building. Some people were there the night before and camped out to be the first in line. I thought it was all crazy. One of the deals was a 27' knock off brand TV for a hundred dollars, but we only had like six of them. Another was a computer for about 300 dollars and those quickly. It seemed to me that the store had mediocre specials just to get people in the door and while people were in a shopping frenzy, they would continue drooling at the mouth and ready to buy, buy, buy. Reminds me of a particular movie. I remember thinking about the next year and being thankful I wouldn't have to do this again. I also remember the same year a woman being trampled at a Wal Mart because people were pushing and shoving to buy a thirty dollar DVD player. The other day I was surprised to see a whole entire shelf in a stationary store dedicated to Thanksgiving cards. Maybe I'm out of touch but other than sending a relative a little note I don't really see what else these cards would be good for - Dear Grandma I am thankful you are in a nursing home away from your family-love your insensitive grandson.
In the last few years I have tried to find new ways to make the holidays more meaningful. I have really tried not to be part of the cattle ranch that most malls become during the holidays. During Thanksgiving I try not to over exert myself and make time I spend family and friends more purposeful. The last several years, my wife has taken her youth group down to LA to hand out sandwiches the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I think about what the first Thanksgiving was like. I wonder how Native Americans view Thanksgiving. I wonder would it be like to serve on a reservation during Thanksgiving instead of stuffing my face. During the Christmas season I try to take advantage of my free time and visit as many family members and friends as I possibly can. I have also realized that the holidays are good times for reconciliation. I try to buy unique gifts and put time into what I am selecting for someone. I often have trouble with gift giving though. As Tony Campolo had said, why do we always have trouble with buying the person who has everything a gift? He talks about possibly giving this person nothing- that would go over great with your family/in laws real well, right? When my wife and I were at a youth pastor's conference recently we found a cool way to do some shopping this year. World Vision and Youth Specialties have this program called One Life Revolution where you can purchase useful items for families effected by AIDS in Africa. You could also pick up some Fair Trade Coffee for a loved one through Sojourners Magazine. These coming holidays I will yet again try think of creative ways on how to make them more God honoring and meaningful. Please post your ideas to share and have a safe and joyous holiday.
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