Mexican Homer Simpson
Maybe you're like me and you know you could lose a few pounds. You lose your breath when tying your shoe laces, you put on the air on full blast when everyone else is freezing, you're worried about the notches in your belt, there's a lot between you and your loved one (and I don't mean hard times), before showering you look down and wonder how reproduction is possible with doing a backbend... These were somethings I experienced when I was a little over 250lbs at one time. Last year my wife and I went to weight watchers and I lost about 30lbs. Since our pregnant and our son's birth I have gained about 15lbs. So I am trying to lose some weight but I don't feel as bad as this one guy. He was one of twelve illegal immigrants who had to rescued from a pipe. He was stuck inside because according to some, due to a puffy woolen sweater he was wearing. I sure his compadres aren't to happy with him right now. Better cool out on the pan dulce y chorizo homie!
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