Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day (the remix)

It's been a while since I have written but had to report on the small interesting things that happened today on love day.

Since Military Recruiters have not been shown any love lately, they have lowered their standards. When applying to enter the military a background check is made and things like crimes one has committed can prevent you from entering. Now, certain crimes can be waved. For more info click here.So that guy who stole your sibling's bike may now "serve our country. "

So they say a diamond is a girl's best friend? I have been hesitant in buying jewelry with diamonds because of a conversation that I had with a friend of mine from Ghana. He explained the diamond trade to me and many have been shafted, hurt, and killed to bring the bling bling to our special ladies' fingers. The movie Blood Diamond and Kanye West's Diamonds are Forever shed some light this problem. Today when listening to Democracy Now in KPFK I heard some information that can be helpful when shopping for a diamond.

In celebration of love day I went out and did a little shopping for my wife. I drove by See's candy and saw a huge line. So I ended up going to another place that had just what I needed. I had my five month old son with me and while I was waiting for the cashier to check the price on an item I was purchasing, something caught my eye. In the spirit of living in a world where I am looking to feel a more "community connectedness" I asked the lady behind me to watch my son while sitting sat in his car seat. I ran so fast that I don't remember if the lady gave me a dirty look or not. I was thankful to her but I didn't feel very welcome.

I said the "N" word at church.

Fifth: (Why I said the "N" word at church)
I have made a vow to read more. I was at Borders and was excited to see so many books that I would love to read. The sad truth is that I have a stack of books that I have purchased/received as gifts over the past few years. So I am diligently reading at least twenty pages a day. By Monday I will have finished my first book-hooray! This evening when explaining all this to a table at our Valentine's family dinner, someone asked, "what book are you reading?" I responded, "Nigger the History of a Troublesome Word"Some people just looked at me and others asked me some questions which gave me a chance to explain what a good book I think it is.

I received the the best Valentine's present ever today! I had lunch at work with my wife and son! Nothing could be better!

Happy Valentine's Day!

***Watch the video below for a special message from KRS-One on how "love is a very serious thing", check it out!