In recent months at lot has been said about immigration has been said. Through countless conversations (one lasting three hours after a grad class which resulted in my wife thinking I was dead or being chewed up by wolves), a plethora of lame email forwards, and silence from others, I have decided to post. Of all things that have been discussed, the most "interesting" ideas communicated has been the fear of California becoming Mexico.
When this idea is communicated I feel conflicted, kind of. I don't know to laugh or be offended. Either way I think this idea reveals a lot about the person. Chiefly some people feel "alienated" from the ever changing environment. They complain that they can't order a hamburger without having to repeat themselves, the multiple languages that the DMV prints driving tests, catching or poaching fish and littering, ruining the economy, and other assorted nonsense. Initially, a lot of what some people are talking about is good ole fashioned racism. I recognize the legitimate (maybe) argument about the legality of illegal immigration in which I feel is worth debating, but if someone is going to complain about a "brown out" all their doing is talking a hole in my head.
Here's a link to an episode of "30 Days" (available on itunes) in which a minute man spends 30 days with an immigrant family in East Los Angeles.